11Plus Forum Rules

Last Updated Date : Thursday, 15th Oct 2024 09:04:42 am
1. Agreement

1.1 By accessing 11Plus Teacher Ltd - 11Plus Forum (hereinafter "we", "us", "our", "11Plus Forum", "https://www.11plusteacher.co.uk/forum"), you agree to be legally bound by the following additional terms along with our "Terms and Conditions" and "Terms of Use" . If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use 11Plus Teacher Ltd - 11Plus Forum. We may change these at any time and we'll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of 11Plus Teacher Ltd - 11Plus Forum after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

1.2 You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where 11Plus Teacher Ltd - 11Plus Forum is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that 11Plus Teacher Ltd - 11Plus Forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither 11Plus Teacher Ltd nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

2 Forum Rules and Guidelines

2.1 Breaches of Forum Rules: Membership of this Forum is a privilege, NOT a right. Breaches of Forum Rules may result in posts being edited by a moderator, a warning, a temporary ban or a permanent ban, depending on the severity of the matter. Repeated breaches of Forum Etiquette will be dealt with in the same way. All decisions made by the admin / moderator team are final.

2.2 Name calling, insults and "flaming" (provocative or hostile posting) are not permitted. Threads that descend into a flame war may be locked or removed temporarily or permanently from the Forum.

2.3 Posts that may cause offence or are simply inappropriate, that may incite religious or racial hatred, or contain potentially libellous comments, will be removed without warning.

2.4 Swearing, profanity and ******* in place of swear words will not be tolerated.

2.5 No trolling. Suspected trolls may be banned without warning. Members should heed this wise advice: Don't feed the troll!

2.6 Forum members who are believed to be using multiple user names, or who use a disposable or temporary email address to register, may be banned without warning. Subsequent re-registrations by the same member may also be banned.

2.7 Links or references to external websites will be permitted solely at the discretion of moderators.

2.8 Links should never be posted in isolation (a technique sometimes favoured by spammers). Unless the purpose of the link is already clear, there must be at least a line or two of comment or explanation, so that members can decide whether or not this is a link they wish to click on.

2.9 Please note that links or references to blogs and commercial websites are not normally allowed but mentions of household names (e.g. Tesco, Amazon, etc) are usually permitted on the Forum.

2.10 Any post deemed to be promotion of a product or service, whether related to the 11+ or not, whether explicit or implicit, will be treated as spam.

2.11 Unsolicited advertising via Private Message is spam, and members sending such PMs will be banned without warning. Any message deemed to be promotion of a product or service, whether related to the 11+ or not, whether explicit or implicit, will be regarded as spam.

2.12 If there is any doubt about what is acceptable, members should seek permission from Admin and/or Moderators before posting.

2.13 Mentions of household names (e.g. Tesco, Amazon, etc) are usually permitted on the Forum.

2.14 Posts on topics that are "below the radar", such as a request for recommendations for guinea pig hutches, are generally permitted.

2.15 If members are in any doubt they should contact Admin and/or Moderators before posting.

2.16 Announcements relating to practice 11+ tests are usually permitted if organised by a school or PTA or charity.

2.17 Posts about the sale of second-hand items are not normally allowed. However, at the discretion of Admin and/or Moderators, an exception may be made in the case of long established members who wish to sell second-hand 11+ material - but permission should be sought before posting.

2.18. To maintain the highest quality of information on the Forum, mentions of 11+ preparation materials that are not available on this site are not permitted.

2.19. 11+ authors or 11+ Tutors making posts about practice papers (theirs or others) must identify themselves as such in their signature. Any papers carrying the copyright are not permitted.

2.20 Recommendations for tutors are only permitted if made by Private Message, not on the Forum, provided it is in response to specific request. Any unsolicited recommendations sent to forum members will be treated as advertising and result in banning of membership.

2.21 Images and pictures are generally only permitted on Rehab and must not be likely to cause offence. Images carrying the copyright symbol are not permitted.

2.22. Copyright must be acknowledged when posting extracts from published material on the Forum.

3. Forum Etiquette

3.1 Be polite. Even though you are looking at a computer screen and cannot see other members, they are real people who have feelings.

3.2 "Think first, post second." A post may not always read the same to others as it does to you. Review your post before submitting it and consider how it will be received by others. If your post is misinterpreted and causes offence, explain and apologise.

3.3 Staying on topic is a courtesy to the Original Poster. Threads that go off topic may be split, edited, or locked. Posters who persistently go off topic will receive a warning from a moderator.

3.4 Emoticons (smileys) are useful to add the correct tone to a post, but too many of them become irritating. Don't over-use them.

3.5 Over-large signatures make the Forum difficult to read, so please keep your signature brief. Offensive signatures will be removed.

3.6 The use of CAPITAL LETTERS on internet forums is considered to be shouting. Please use sentence case in both thread titles and posts.

3.7 Please post in proper words, not text-speak, and avoid the use of abbreviations that may be unfamiliar to other posters.

3.8 Private messages are useful for personal chat and confidential information, but before sending a PM, consider whether your question would be best placed on the open forum so that the replies can benefit others.

3.9 The edit button is a useful facility for making corrections and minor amendments for a period of up to a week after posting, but should not be used in such a way as to distort a thread, or spoil it for other members. It can be helpful if reasons for the edit are given.

Admin's and/or Moderator's decisions in all matters, including the interpretation and application of forum rules, are final.


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