Mock Exam Day

Last Updated Date : Sunday, 15th Feb 2025 23:50:40 pm
2023 - 11+ CSSE Mock Exam Dates in Chelmsford


20-05-2023 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]

17-06-2023 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]

15-07-2023 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]

12-08-2023 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]

26-08-2023 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]

02-09-2023 [8.00 AM to 11.00 AM]

09-09-2022 [8:00 AM to 11:00 AM]


Aquinas Hall, St John Payne Catholic School, Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford - CM1 4BS

8:00 AM

Student Registration

8.30 AM - 9:40 AM

11+ CSSE English Paper

- Comprehension

- Applied Reasoning

- Two pieces of Continuous Writing

9.40 AM - 10 AM


10 AM - 11 AM

11+ CSSE Maths Paper


Important Notes (11+ CSSE MOCK EXAM)

* 8:00 AM - Student registration will be outside the exam hall

* Students must bring the following equipment in a clear pencil case: 3 sharp pencils, 2 erasers, 2 sharpeners and a ruler

* Please bring a water bottle to drink and some packed snacks to eat for the break time

* All Students must use toilet before entering the exam hall

2023 - 11+ CCHS Mock Exam Dates in Chelmsford


20-05-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

17-06-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

15-07-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

12-08-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

26-08-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

02-09-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]

09-09-2023 [11.30 AM to 2.15 PM]


Aquinas Hall, Patching Hall Lane, St John Payne Catholic School, Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford - CM1 4BS

11:30 AM

Student Registration

11.45 AM - 12:45 PM

11+ CCHS Paper 1

- 11+ English

- Verbal Reasoning (VR)

- Numerical (Maths)

- Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVR)

12:45 PM - 01:05 PM


01:05 PM - 02:05 PM

11+ CCHS Paper 2

- 11+ English

- Verbal Reasoning (VR)

- Numerical (Maths)

- Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVR)


Important Notes

* 11:30 AM - Student registration will be outside the exam hall

* Students must bring the following equipment in a clear pencil case: 3 sharp pencils, 2 erasers and 2 sharpeners

* Please bring a small water bottle to drink and packed snacks to eat

* All Students must use toilet before entering the exam hall


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